其實自從由Terry師兄blog中得知Reiki之後,大大話話都睇過過百個Website,亦都睇過兩三本書。原因好簡單,因為我從來都唔鍾意不求什解。每學一樣嘢我都鍾意尋根究底, 其實我係唔明就一定學唔識,因為我唔鍾意死背。亦因為咁,我有好多樣都學唔識(可能因為資質嘅問題)。所以每學一樣新嘢之前,我都會做好多嘅research先,最起碼要知少少先會開始去學。
Anyway,其實我上網睇,多數都係從一般人嘅角度講Reiki係咩,好少會有人從科學嘅角度解釋。本來搵到 NCCAM都有介紹Reiki,不過佢竟然對Reiki都唔係好有科學嘅background。跟住Terry師兄借過一本Reiki for idiot(唔係好記得Exactly個名係咩)比我,睇完都無咩特別得著。亦都睇過一本書叫"每個細胞都有無限能量和夢想",裡面多數都係Case Study講返靈氣點樣幫到人。不過其中都有一個Section講到德國對勞功穴做過一d研究,話每個人手心都有一d馬斯聶魯組織。馬斯聶魯組織係可以分泌一d哮素,而馬斯聶魯組織在手指尖就更加隻中。好可惜我在Internet上面都唔係好search到馬斯聶魯組織嘅資料。
在眾多Website當中,睇到William Lee Rand嘅website裡面嘅一份PDF用科學嘅角度講過吓Reiki。份PDF係William訪問一個叫"Oschman"博士關於Energy Healing嘅研究。不過佢其實都只係好Focus on Magnetic field嘅Effect,亦唔算係一個Research,因為只係一個Interview。我個人覺得如果只係Pure Magnetic Field,咁Scientist一定可以有方法做到一樣嘅效果,所以一定有d嘢嘅,不過以我咁嘅資質,都係唔好諗咁多。
另外,Kokoro Naturopathy & School of Reiki Healing有一編Article就話Reiki嘅Healing Effect係由Healer嘅一雙手所發出嘅Alpha band frequency去呼喚起自身嘅Healing功能。都講得幾似Quantum Touch,我覺得又唔係話太過全面,因為Quantum Touch裡面有好多Additional嘅Skill會影響到Healing Effect,但係Vibration嘅Frequency又好似唔係話完全Cover得哂。好似佢有教人用Spiral嘅方式去Send Energy,咁嘅話個Wave Form又會點?Anyway我覺得個Frequency應該唔會有唔同。
Finally都係覺得自己唔會太過明,唔通就係因為咁,所以好多人都instead用experiment(好似Scientific Studies on Reiki)嘅方式去Prove Reiki係唔係真係work?講講吓我都好似唔係好可以Conclude到。唉!唯有實行只要信不要問,好似學中醫或者氣功咁就算。
星期一, 7月 30, 2007
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2 則留言:
BTW, it is not easy to explain what reiki is in a single point of view or just using a single theory. fisrt of all, what do u think science is? "science" to prove "absent" rather than to prove present. the spirit of science to to find out what is false!! the first assumption to be made is all theory is true unless you have evidence that it is false.
secondly, the universe is complex, the same as reiki and other stuff that seems "not scientific". if you want to interpret Reiki or other kind of energy medicine in a scientific way, you must dig into the sea of knowledge regarding energy medicine. you should understand what energy medicine is before you want to know more on reiki in terms of "science".
secondly, if you can't find a simple theory of what it is, or how it is, it is just because the science now is not good enough to explain it. As simple as that you can't explain simply what is an thunder storm to an ancient man, but it is truely present and not something of mysterious.
if you want to find a scientific way to explain what reiki is, u can dig into the books, materials, etc regarding energy medicine, physics etc.. and you can find a conclusion, and may be you can be the first one to make a conclusion and build a "scientific theory" regarding Reiki! ~sophia (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/reiki_sophia/)
完全同意。再者,好多reeardh背後的funding其實係由什麼公司在支持呢?Thats why中國氣功,同印度瑜伽都未可有人好中立的用科學角度嚟表陽。